Auto Electrical & Air Conditioning Installation, Parts and Repair Services for the Transport Industry
A fast and efficient response to auto electrical and air conditioner breakdown
A dependable and efficient service built for the Transport Industry
Lyons knows that the transport industry operates on very fine margins, and owners need to keep their vehicles on the road as much as possible. Lyons purpose built service centre and mobile service fleet have been created to meet transport industry needs by providing a fast response to auto electrical and air conditioner repair.
Lyons also offer a wide range of products specifically acquired for the transport industry. Lyons supply high intensity, high range replacement low and high beam globes. We install and work with bunk and sleeper cabin air conditioning systems, and are one of the major auto electrical suppliers of portable refrigerators like Engel and Waeco. Basically Lyons will keep your truck on the road longer and keep both you and your truck in top operating condition.