Entries by Paul Kurl

Tips For Cooling Your Truck More Effectively

The right automotive air conditioning can make a big difference when the weather is hot. The summer heat in Perth can be scorching, and if you drive a truck you will find that being able to cool the cabin efficiently is a vital component to your job. That is especially important if you have a long-distance run to make, and you need to sleep in your truck overnight. A cabin that is too warm means you will not sleep well, which can lead to fatigue, illness, and even a vehicle crash. Instead of risking those kinds of problems, auto air conditioning should be on the top of your list for things to have and maintain when you drive for a living.

How To Choose The Best Auto Air Compressor

When it comes to your truck air conditioning, reliability is important. Especially in the heat of a Perth summer, when temperatures can really climb. Not having proper air conditioning in your truck can mean you feel pretty warm and miserable, and could even contribute to illness and accidents. Fortunately, with the right auto air compressor from the experts at Lyons Air Conditioning, you can keep your air conditioning running strong, so you don’t have to worry about the heat outside. It will always be cool and comfortable in your truck.

Air Conditioning Troubleshooting Tips

When your automotive air conditioning is having trouble, your first thought might be to take it in for an expensive repair. While it might need the services of a professional, it is also possible that the problem is something you can fix on your own. Even if you cannot fix it, you might be able to figure out what the true problem is, which could save you time and money when you take your vehicle in to have it serviced with Lyons Air Conditioning in Perth. There are limited numbers of parts you can check on your air conditioning system, as some of the systems are sealed. If an internal part fails, an entire component may have to be replaced.

Things To Know About Air Conditioning Maintenance

Maintaining your air conditioning system is vital during the hot summer months, but you don’t want to neglect the system in winter, either. Just because you aren’t using it as much during that time doesn’t mean there isn’t maintenance to be done and things to watch out for. If you take good care of your air conditioning all throughout the year, you’ll have a lot less chance of it breaking down and not being there when you need it. With as hot as it gets in the summertime, you don’t want to take the chance of your air conditioning quitting in your truck or your mining equipment while you’re right in the middle of a job. That could delay things and cost you money, but it can generally be avoided.

You Can Get A Great Waeco Fridge From Lyons Air

When you are on a jobsite, one of the things you need in the heat of summer is cold drinks. You also need to be able to keep your snacks and other food cold, so it stays good until it’s time to eat. One of the ways you can preserve your food and drink so you don’t have to worry about it spoiling is with a great Waeco fridge. Waeco is a brand that can be trusted, and you can get a fridge from Lyons Air that will do everything you need. Lyons Air provides more than automotive air conditioning, truck air conditioning, and auto electrical installation. Fridges are some of our biggest sellers, as we work to make sure your jobsite has everything it needs to keep you comfortable no matter what the weather is like.

Buying Automotive Air Conditioning Parts Online The Right Way

When you need parts for your automotive air conditioning, you know that it is important to get parts that are going to work the right way, and have a proper warranty on them. If you take your vehicle to have those parts installed, you also want to make sure that they person doing the installation handles the parts the right way and replaces them properly. That’s why it’s so important to have a reputable company like Lyons Air Conditioning take care of your truck air conditioning or mining air conditioning needs.

Why Choose OEM Parts

There are many ways to get parts for your truck and mining equipment air conditioning, or for your construction and earthmoving equipment, but many of the parts you can buy are aftermarket. These are parts that are not made by the original company that designed and produced the vehicle or equipment you’re using, but those parts are still expected to fit and work in the same manner as OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts. Unfortunately, many times the aftermarket parts don’t really work as well – or last as long – as the OEM parts.

Air Filtering Is Vital In Mining Equipment

Mining can be dusty, dirty work, especially in the extreme heat of the summer months. With that in mind, there are some important issues to consider. One of the most significant is the air filtering that the equipment has. If the cabin air isn’t filtered properly, the worker running that equipment can breathe in a lot of dust and debris. The air getting into the engine also has to be filtered correctly, because engines don’t run properly when they are full of dust and dirt. The air has to be clean, no matter where in the vehicle or piece of equipment it’s headed.

Electrical Issues? Get Them Fixed Before They Become Serious

If one or more of your mission-critical pieces of equipment begins to exhibit signs of electrical issues, the importance of getting those small problems fixed before they become bigger (and much more expensive) ones cannot be overstated enough. In the world of auto electrical installation, “escalation” is the name of the game. What starts as a slight mobile air conditioning problem could quickly balloon into a catastrophic failure as all components of an electrical system are closely intertwined. Not only could this cause a piece of equipment that you need to be replaced before it’s time, it could also send your return on investment plummeting straight into the ground if you’re not careful.